Christmas time is here, but if you ask me, tonight felt more like a Winter Slaughterland.
In keeping with the tradition of theming games for the season, table master Scott came up with a jolly wrinkle for this round of poker. He made a list, checked it twice, and divided the crew into two teams, the Nice and Naughty. His criteria was whoever had intentionally broke check city protocol in the past was deemed naughty. Thus, Check City Bandits Robyn, Chris, and Rob faced off against the Nice Nerds, Brady, Scott, Keith, Kevin, and guest player Xmas Eve.
However, instead of a lump of coal, the Naughty squad walked away with the win total, which was exactly one dollar per player. Now I know what you're thinking, if the 3 Naughties beat the 5 Nicies, wouldn't the win total be roughly 1.66 split between them? Aren't you good at Math Rob? Didn't you shove that fact in Scott's face last night?
Well, here's where a Christmas twist came in. In the final check city of the night, Xmas Eve broke protocol and raised, thus causing her to immediately be added to Scotties Naughties list and qualify her for the win total. A true trick play that was more exciting than anything that happened in the NFL this week. And even though Rob threw the nutcracker down and walked away with that check city win, Eve was welcomed to the dark side with open arms.
Outside of the wild winter world of poker, we discussed some of our favorite Christmas movies and our travel plans for the holidays. Xmas Eve is a big fan of Brazil as a Yuletide romp and Scott's hot take is A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas will jingle anyone's bells who cares to watch. We also wish safe travels to Kevin as he ventures off to Boston, Rob as he heads up north to San Francisco, Eve heading even norther to Oregon, and Chris who will be remembering the Alamo in the Lone Star State.
In between the festive merriment, Robyn praised the work of Vince Guaraldi. Specially his Charlie Brown's Christmas album which, her words not mine, is nothing but bangers. So make the yuletide gay this season with slow sad soltice tunes sung by children.
And it wouldn't be a poker post without mentioning that Robyn added yet another catchphrase to her repertoire. You Gotta Pay to Play might just be the motto of 2021.
Chip Leader: Robyn "Five Golden Rings" Kaner
Check City Champ: Rob "Four Calling Birds" Roelofs
Guy Who Can Pull Off A Santa Hat on Zoom:
Tie Between Scott "Three French Hens" Meslow and Keith "Two Turtle Doves" Bennett
