What started as a slight twist on The Crews usual win total rule turned into a runaway by the most honest and most Asian people at the table. Kevin "The Joker" Nguyen modified the night by suggesting we play for win total as teams, and it ended up setting the stage for a pretty even, albeit, exciting night of poker.
We welcomed back frequent poker night cameo David to round out the last poker game of the summer. A few stand out hands did occur, both being showdowns between Robyn and Rob. The first saw Robyn come in with a surprise knockout as she lucked into a flush after going All-In. But Robbie boy got his vengeance when it was a showdown of full houses and his 9's beat Robyn's 2's. Tyson and Holyfield, Ali and Frazer, and now Roelofs and Kanner. Truly one for the record books.
Outside of poker we figured out everyone's true band member energy. While some were given the respectable titles of drummer (Rob) and rhythm guitarist (Chris), Robyn will now and forever be known as the DJ from Incubus. Which, in some Circles (name of an Incubus deep cut), would be considered an honor. And those Circles are are just Brandon Boyd and his friends.
Also, we were delighted to welcome a new member to The Crew in the adorably sleepy Cora Jane Meslow. Scott Meslow now has officially has a daughter, I'm sorry, Scottghter, and has officially become a father, I'm sorry, Scotther. Congrats Scott, may she grow up to be the second biggest U2 fan in Minnesota.
Chip Leader: David
Check City Champ: Matt Cohen
Most 2011 horror movies looked up on Google: Josh
