When Brady comes storming to the table with a Four Of A Kind and takes out three Full Houses, no one really bounces back from that. But The Crew somehow managed, and boy did we have a good time.
Summer's officially here and despite a plethora of soul crushing Full Houses and High Flushes, we managed to take a slight break from the gambling to discuss Space Jam: a New Legacy of bad pig rapping puns. While Tupork Shakur and Tech Sw9ne were the clear champions, no one even thought of Ham'ron, and that seems like a real let down.
We also shared all our upcoming fourth of July plans and between Scott's three pontoons and zero friends, and the west coast boys eventual meet up and Brady's BBQ Bungalow, it's looking like it'll be a very patriotic weekend for The Crew.
Chip Leader: Scott
Check City Champ: Rob
Most Weed Gummies Eaten: Chris & Matt Vass (Tie)
